The winners of the costume contest. First place in the middle, Sarah. Second place on the left, Erin. Third place on the right, Damara. Let's see if you notice the winning theme?? The whole wall.
Left side of the wall. Right side of the wall.
Wall of costumes. Gabe, Donut, Dave, Erin, Brandy, Greg, Jessie (Rabbit), Jessie.
Jessie, Scott, Anna, Dave. Myion, Tom, Gabe, Donut.
The Voting Cara, the camera girl.
Greg Jessie
Erin Myion
Gabe Scott
Donut Dave
Casey and Cameron circle Victory!
Jessie winds up for Casey Jessie and Corvin circle
Jessie and Doc circle Jessie and Nikka circle
Jessie and Scotsman circle Myron and Cameron spar
Nikka and Myron spar WifeBeater and Cameron circle
Wifebeater and Casey circle Wifebeater and Dave circle
Wife Beater and Doc circle Wife Beater and Brandon circle
Battle Wraping the end
Last two standing Talking before battle
Check out the six-pack Battle from the top