Your immune system attacks substances it mistakenly identifies as harmful and then the symptoms kick in. My family uses Peace Lily in our kitchen, bathrooms, and family rooms. Better yet, both of these plants require less water than other options on the list. During my first year living in that apartment, my allergies became worse. Although it was originally intended for Space, the results of the study were broadly accepted for use in homes across America. In dry climates of the Western U.S. mold from houseplants is less likely to be an issue. Just keep an eye on it. Plants can help and they look good too! Pollen is a particular concern, as it can worsen asthma symptoms. The Snake Plant is an evergreen perennial plant that is good at absorbing airborne toxins, such as formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, and benzene. 8. It might be the most common houseplant in the U.S. – and for good reason. Oct 8, 2018 - I share the best indoor plants for asthma, allergy sufferers, and air pollution. Spider plants can really brighten a room up, plus they’re good plants to have if you have asthma or allergies like hayfever. These spores can sometimes pose a serious health risk.It’s always smart to do a little research about the plants you are interested to bring into your home, in order to better understand if it poses any health issues or health complications.A number of common house plants may be great for asthma or allergies, however, they can pose an entirely different set of health risks.Pets or people eating the leaves, on purpose or accident, of some house plants, can become seriously ill and may need to seek medical attention.It’s important to keep plants like these out of reach of pets and small children. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; A more mature palm can transpire up to 1 liter of water per day which keeps air fresh, moist, and makes it easier to breathe. This information is very helpful, I love plants and my daughter has allergies and asthma. You’ll be relieved to know that many houseplants are great for indoor air quality and can potentially help people with asthma and allergies. Fortunately, there are plenty of indoor and outdoor plant options that don't add that complicating factor. Spider plants are another common indoor plant and great for people with asthma and allergies. A plant that produces “heavy” (weight) pollen shouldn’t be a problem as it’s not likely to become airborne. The best part about this plant is it requires little attention and does quite well in drought conditions. I grew up using cheap air conditioning filters. I’ve thrown out carpets, changed air filters, and purchases air purifiers. Not touching a ficus isn’t enough. Little did I know that houseplants can actually help improve my allergies by removing hazardous toxins from the air and even reduce mold in the home. Couldn’t breathe either. Filters with added carbon are great for households with people that smoke or clean with strong chemicals. Because of the larger size of the Boston Fern, it has a higher rate of transpiration which can definitely help restore moisture in the air and eliminate formaldehyde. We mentioned the benefits of Dracaena above but the Snake Plant is also a NASA recommended plant that can filter air indoors while improving aesthetics. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; 2. Fireplaces. How does it reduce mold? Hedera helix (English Ivy) Often called English Ivy or European Ivy, Hedera helix is another popular houseplant that helps filter airborne toxins inside your home. Swedish ivy is a low-pollen houseplant, and a great option for the newbie gardener. The flower is beautiful and the plant will help people with allergies breathe easier. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00B9AOKP6"; I'll recommend the best … Vacuum, dust and change your air filter, and use a wet cloth to wipe down your surfaces. Find a new home for potted plants or spread aquarium gravel over the dirt to help contain mold. Having sufficient humidity in the air can be a very good thing in moderation. Indoor plants are more leafy than flowering and do not pollinate as much as outdoor plants. Check out this video before we look at best indoor plants for allergy sufferers. The Snake Plant, also known as, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, is a great first indoor plant. In this article I’ll share my experience using houseplants in the bedroom to clean air. We changed those filters every 3 weeks. Basically, allergies are the result of a hypersensitive immune system. Great information. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Plants also have the ability to remove formaldehyde, benzene, and other harmful elements from the air. Best (& Worst) Flooring for Allergies & Asthma . Dust Mite Solutions works hard to publish relevant information on indoor allergies and looks to medical professionals for sources. 4. Daisies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, bonsai trees, ficus, and pine can all cause allergy symptoms. In addition, it can help reduce mold in the home. Thank you very very much! They were porous and didn’t stop microscopic allergens from blowing around the house. As a homeowner, if you cannot spare time to provide the basic care to your air-purifying houseplants its better not to get them for your place. Bedroom plants can be chosen based on the amount of space you have and your design preferences. amzn_assoc_asins = "B06Y1XNMCC";
The carpets were filthy and hadn’t been shampooed or vacuumed in ages. This is my pick for the best indoor plant for asthma (check Spider Plant on amazon). This included Volatile Organic Compounds, like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. There are some indoor plants that you may not want in your home if you have a problem with allergies or asthma. According to his study, the larger the surface area of the plant leaf is the higher will be the transpiration rate. If you’re looking for taller, thinner option for a room, the Dracaena might be perfect. You do, but less frequently (check Dracaena options on amazon). For people with asthma, moist air is especially helpful. I felt horrible but didn’t know why. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Houseplants have so much to offer. The sap can get on dust particles and fly throughout the house. The ever popular ficus was one of the plants found to most frequently cause reactions during a skin prick test for pollen allergens in a Belgian study, in … As a tropical plant, the Peace Lily requires a warm temperature (no less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit) and it prefers indirect sunlight. Pineapple plant is also one of the best indoor plants for asthma for its Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). This upright evergreen shrub is extremely popular in the U.S. especially because it’s a super low maintenance plant. Spider plants are another common indoor plant and great for people with asthma and allergies. We mentioned the Areca Palm above and its benefits for removing toxins and humidifying air in the home. The upshot is plants can be a good or bad thing in your home, depending on the type. They do more than just brighten up a room, they also clean the air. Though ficus is a common indoor plant, the sap can irritate people with latex allergies. 1. Because they absorb moisture from the air, air plants help reduce the growth of mold and mildew. I'll recommend the best … The sensitive leaves can suffer from leaf burn if left in the direct sunlight. As someone who has suffered from allergies for years I’ve searched for every advantage in the home. This versatile air-purifying plant thrives in dry or humid climates, and resists most types of plant-eating insects. One thing I haven’t done is throw away my houseplants. However, according to the recommendation by Dr. Wolverton from NASA, it is good to place about 2 plants per 100 square feet area in your home to clean indoor air. I began problem-solving and looked for options to improve the air quality and moisture in my room. Great information to know about how plants help our health. This is due to the fact that air flows faster (and in more quantity) through hydroculture pebbles in Hydroponics plants than through compacted soil in soil grown plants. They can be hung by a string, wire, or placed in a glass bulb. I love plants I have in my home! Is Coffee (Or Caffeine) Good For Asthma Attack. How Many Plants Do I Need to Purify Indoor Air? I also have serious allergies, your information is so very useful. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; They are low maintenance. The Peace Lily has a great reputation as a beautiful and healthy plant. What is the Best Air Purifier for Allergies and Asthma? Spathiphyllum is highly regarded as one of the easier houseplants to grow, even if you don’t really have any real previous experience growing plants. Plants convert our waste (carbon dioxide) into fresh oxygen which we need. The plants added much-needed color to the room but more importantly, the plants made my bedroom air feel fresh with added humidity. This plant is very forgiving and easy to care for. He encouraged me to keep my living area clean and to get allergy covers for the bedroom (read this article if you think you have dust mite bites from your bed). They say the following plants are best and you should keep them in your bedroom. There is a plant ranking scale, developed in 200 by Thomas Leo Ogren, called OPALS. In this case, you’d want a smaller option that won’t get in the way. If you suffer from allergies you may have looked at your indoor plants and wondered if they are causing your asthma or allergies. This doesn’t mean you don’t need to water it. Some people water when they see the soil surface is dry – this is incorrect and often leads to overwatering. As the plant grows the roots will need more space and nutrients. When placing the indoor plants (that clean the air and remove toxins) in your home or office, you should care that you put them at a location where you spend most of the time.7 best places where you can consider placing your air purifying plants are: 1- On a stand2- By a window3- Stairwell corner4- A bathroom ledge5- Hanging on a mirror6- On the washing machine7- On the entry table, cabinet or a desk Where ever you place them, make sure that you do not put them in direct sunlight. Air purifiers have come a long way in a short amount of time. amzn_assoc_linkid = "b203cea810acc334b153db1f0d5a5faf"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "asthma107-20"; that made HEPA filters for our ac/h, fraction of cost of box stores. I'll share my experience with houseplants, allergy, and share NASA research proving houseplants can help remove chemicals and molds from indoor air. These chemicals are emitted by paint, computers, carpeting, cleaning fluids, etc.A few of these plants, however, can exacerbate allergies or asthma. A few years ago I moved into a new apartment. Even if you’re not familiar with houseplants I bet you’ll recognize the Peace Lily. Indoor plants that purify the air alleviate sick building syndrome which is caused by formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and other toxins. Avoid the use of wood-burning fireplaces or stoves because smoke and gases can worsen respiratory allergies. Before we share the best indoor houseplants for allergy sufferers, let’s take a look at houseplants that may cause allergies. Especially if you suffer from asthma, proper humidity and fresh moistened air can prove to be extremely helpful to your breathing condition. I love the info. We also found a local company (so lucky!) Best Plants for Asthma . The snake plant is made up of tough, fibrous stalks that are green and white. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; A few of our favorites are: Try these plants in your kitchen, family room, and bedroom. Dust mites, pollen, molds, and pet dander were blowing around the house without being captured by the filter. Your home is your castle. Here’s a watering tip from an agriculturalist: The soil moisture content can be checked visually and with your finger. amzn_assoc_linkid = "6ccd329ec8eb0ed7e95c7a1f3fc8dd5a";
. Copyright 2020 | Dust Mite Solutions is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Remove these plants from your home if your allergy or asthma symptoms have worsened. You can hence consider placing 1-2 plants in your area based on the plant and size of leaves you choose. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Below are a few of my recommendations: For more oxygen at night consider a larger plant with a high rate of transpiration. If you don’t have much space try a tall thin plant like the Areca Palm or the Dracaena. Let’s get started! amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; At the same time choose an area that supports their life better.Means you need to take into consideration the temperature, humidity, and light when you place the houseplants for improved indoor air quality. I made major changes to my home that improved the air in my and I continued to use houseplants. Filters are replaced yearly. • Spider Plants • Sunflowers • Hyacinth • Any over-watered plant (overwatering can lead to mold and fungus in the soil!) amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "asthma107-20";
Over time the Areca can outgrow its indoor home due to the fact that they have the ability to reach 7 feet tall. They are bushy plants that can help restore moisture in homes and freshen air. NASA was able to identify which indoor plants were best for improving the air quality. If you have many houseplants and are worried about mold and pollen indoors you can offset some of their problems with a HEPA air purifier which cleans your indoor air and works great for rooms large and small. Both of these plants can be placed in a corner of the room and have minimal outward growth. For Asthma and Allergy Clinics. Investing in a HEPA air purifier for a room or whole house will add to the fresh air in your home. It’s an air filtering and medicinal plant wrapped into one! For smaller trees or palms, choose female species that don’t have pollen. As someone who has terrible allergies – both indoors and outdoors – I’ve taken a number of steps to improve indoor air. They can lighten up our homes and rooms.Having indoor plants helps to provide more oxygen. If you live in a city with plenty of pollution these are even more important. 4. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Mold can be problematic during humid summer months when the soil is less likely to dry out. As someone who is allergic to many things, I was always tempted to look at houseplants as the source of my symptoms. You will most certainly want to pick a female and avoid picking the male for these reasons. The Environmental Protection Agency states “indoor air can be 2-5 times worse than outdoor air”, so it makes sense to employ these useful plants in our homes. They are rumored to be able to grow in a closet (though not confirmed). Devil’s Ivy is a very popular indoor plant that is found everywhere in the world. Tips for Managing Skin Asthma Symptoms Naturally At Home, Signs of Asthma in Toddlers and Natural Home Remedies, Benefits of Kiwi Fruit for Kids: Facts and Tips for Eating. If you want to multiply your Peace Lilies you can do so from a single plant! Its specialty is removing benzene from cigarette smoke and other household chemicals but it also removes formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene. This plant loves bright light but can tolerate low-light areas for an extended period. Spider plants have long thin leaves that are usually green with white stripes. The plant, however, is native to the Solomon Islands. Thanks for reading. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; They're all good at clearing the air of pollutants. 01 of 10. Along with beneficial plants, the HVAC filter and HEPA air purifier can have your family breathing fresh, pure, air. They grow relatively slow so you may want to purchase a few smaller plants and place them around your house. Air purifiers that use HEPA filters will remove all allergens from the air. The plant absorbs mold spores and converts them into food (amazing right?). 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