At about the three week mark, the number of hours of sleep will go down significantly. Usually, he’ll get that message within a week. Their bulging eyes are especially prone to eye diseases and infections. Heather has bred Shih Tzu dogs as a family business for over 20 years and has a keen passion for introducing people to this amazing breed. As we touched on a bit earlier, most puppies will not automatically be awake during the day and zonk out in the evening. It requires patience and consistency on your part. If you do choose to put your dog in your bed with you, you will find it much harder to break that habit when you eventually tire of the practice and want to put him in his own bed. Most Shih Tzu parents have them clipped in the summer to help them cope with the heat. Hang tough when your dog plays up and you’ll soon both be enjoying a sound night’s sleep. In the evening, you need to bring the energy level in your house down in order to promote a good sleep environment. Usually, dogs will sleep while their owners are away so they can be rested … This said, even adult Shih Tzu dogs may need to poo very early in the AM, and for this, some slight changes with meals and bathroom trips may help. Lastly, take your Shih Tzu with you when at all possible; Well socialized dogs are dogs that are given the opportunity to see and interact with the world. He will eventually get the message that barking isn’t going to do him any good. • Keep lights low and do not play with your pup at all. I’ve tried them all on my dog, yoiu can read more Best Dog Food For Your Shih Tzu, Your email address will not be published. How many hours per day is normal for puppies, adults, and seniors. Other signs: Aside from … Particular sleeping problems seen with senior dogs. For both puppies and adults, tips and advice to keep your Shih Tzu looking great with healthy skin and coat. Shih Tzus, they need constant attention and care. Their dense coat means that they will need regular flea and tick treatments, so … Reasons for a disruption in sleeping patterns. Begin by encouraging the dog to take its naps on the bed in the playpen.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shihtzucenter_com-box-4','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])); Simply take him to bed or pick him up and gently place him on it. Don't Forget Your Dog … There are a number of reason your Shih Tzu cries or whines all the time which can include physical needs like they need to potty or hungry or is anxious about something. This is why I love older people getting a Shih Tzu. 5. Apesar de organismos tão diferentes, muitas coisas entre os humanos e shih tzu … So, if your Shih Tzu keeps licking certain areas, and you've ruled out other health issues, injury, dry skin, and/or stress, it will be time to get serious about resolving possible allergies. Tucked Tail. The last thing you and your partner need is a growling, aggressive Shih Tzu when it’s time for lights out! Meals, grooming (brushing, taking care of the teeth), and trips outside for bathroom needs should be scheduled as well. This section covers the topic of Shih Tzu sleep habits, patterns, and issues that may be happening. While it's perfectly fine to have the TV going, it's best if there are no blaring noises. You can stop your shih tzu from eliminating on the floor with some consistent training. Sleep Problems Commonly Seen with Senior Shih Tzu Dogs. Out of a 24 hour period, very young newborns may sleep 22 hours, only waking to nurse from the dam every 2 hours or so. Winding down involves dimming the lights, keeping the noise level down and not doing any high energy activities with your dog. By adulthood , this will reduce to about twelve hours per day. Available in paperback (large 8.5x11", 360 pg) or ebook. Just what is normal when it comes to this breed? While dogs sleep a lot, there is something wrong if your dog does not get up and acknowledge your presence. The goal should be to create a relaxed atmosphere. If this is the case, try to stick with the same schedule (feeding, walks, a period of relaxation before bedtime, etc.) As they get older, the hours of sleep will gradually reduce. He’ll naturally be tired after the exercise session, so put him to bed when you get back in the morning and then again after your evening walk. Doggie Dailies Advanced Hip & Joint Supplement for Dogs, multiple dog households with more than 1 Shih Tzu. In some instances, an antihistamine may help. The evening walk is best done after dinner, but at least 2 hours before bedtime. Required fields are marked *. This is commonly referred to as a dog pile and as long as your Shih Tzu are not forced to be in a close, confined area for sleep and are choosing to pile up on top of each other, this is just fine. • A properly sized canine playpen (preferably with a door). How Many Hours Should a Shih Tzu be Sleeping? Rather, try to see if those are the signs and symptoms of your Shih Tzu depression. Here, with these, you will surely know your Shih Tzu … In addition, it can be quite dangerous for a puppy to sleep in his owner's bed, as being rolled on or falling off the bed are real concerns. It is normal for a puppy to be bursting with energy one moment and then to be simply drained the next, falling asleep wherever he happens to be. Yes, Shih Tzus are quite likely to be snorers.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shihtzucenter_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',112,'0','0'])); This breed of dog are known as brachycephalic, characterized by flat faces and short noses. Of course, a puppy cannot do this all by himself. Although most dogs sleep 14 to 16 hours a day, they still need some of the deep, uninterrupted sleep we do. In addition, take care to not have too many blankets that may smother him. A good rule of thumb is that whenever there is a disruption of any key aspect: eating, sleeping, or energy level, it is best to make sure that there are no underlying health conditions. If so, there are steps you can take to. I have 8 of these little darlings and I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. Shih Tzu dogs have very large, slightly protruding eyes. The name “Shih Tzu” means little lion, but there’s nothing fierce about this dog breed.This pooch is a lover, not a hunter. Do not talk to the pup except to give praise if he pees or poos. This keeps him awake for longer periods of time and there will be more frequent bursts of activity. Most Common Shih Tzu Eye Problems. This is where you will have to exercise some tough love. Keep your Shih Tzu … So, you will want to resist the urge to sit beside him until he falls back asleep, and resist the urge to run to him if he barks or cries. Reader questions including sleeping positions, noises at night, snoring, sleep apnea, and more. Shih Tzus also have soft palates and slender noses, which make them susceptible to breathing problems, including snoring. And to show more love for the Shih Tzu, check out the video below (or get some breed-specific items on the AKC Shop ). Your email address will not be published. This article will provide you with the knowledge you need, along with guidance on how to ensure that your Shih Tzu sleeps soundly through the night. Shih Tzu are bred to love people and to be love back. Due to his size, a Shih Tzu may be injured if he falls off of the bed; therefore, you may want to have your dog's "side" be against the wall. Adults may do just fine with one pad), So, creating the right area for your Shih Tzu can really help with encouraging sleep, and is great for other elements as well. Don't complain what she is doing.. she is doing what Shih Tzu's do. Older pups that are about to be weaned, are weaning, or are on solid foods (3 to 7-week-old pups) may sleep anywhere from 19 to 21 hours. Why does my shih tzu cry all the time? Será que é normal um shih tzu sentir sempre tanto sono? Why do some Shih Tzu sleep so much? When your Shih Tzu is a young and lively puppy, you can expect him to sleep roughly 14 hours per day. And this help comes in the form of certain toys: When a dog reaches the 9, 10 and 11 year mark, there is wear and tear on the body. When he reaches his golden years, he may sleep … It really does only take 1 night for a dog to form the habit of sleeping in your bed. Shih tzu do compete in obedience and agility with some success. However, prevention is always better than cure so as much as possible, avoid the things that will trigger these conditions. A 15 to 20 minute session of fetch or other activity is recommended as well. One important element to note is that even if an older dog does require more sleep, it is vital to continue to provide daily. The first step is to set up a good sleeping environment for your Shih Tzu.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shihtzucenter_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])); You should invest in a decent sized small dog playpen that has a dedicated sleeping area within it. They Were Wiped … These types of dogs have small windpipes. Many people have their Shih Tzu sleep in the same bed as them. largely dependent upon the age of the dog. So… As a puppy matures, his bladder and bowels muscles will strengthen. Place an older dog's bed in a comfortable spot in a sun room or a cozy corner in a family room and he may be very content to nap a lot. Please give it back to them. A Shih Tzu puppy will sleep around fourteen hours each day. If you clip your Shih Tzu into a shorthaired dog, now there is no long coat to catch the shed hair, so … When Shih Tzus sleep, they can restrict their airways due to the angle they lie at. Other elements will factor in; however, for now we will discuss the sleeping habits of a healthy Shih Tzu that is given the proper environment (comfortable canine bed, low noise level, etc.). If so, be sure to give a small snack at the previous dinner hour. There are a few difference reasons why this can happen. Thanks for your comment. Marcadores: COMPORTAMENTO CURIOSIDADE Seu shi tzu é daqueles que o tempo que não estiver dormindo, está com sono? The name ‘Shih Tzu’ translates to little lion, yet this toy breed is anything but ferocious. I have shitzu 6 months old I feed him with cheese liver and he got soft stools and now he is not eating well like before is there any problem?or it’s normal, Hello Kristine. Avoid the temptation to let your dog sleep with you, invest in a quality playpen with a memory foam mattress, and train your dog to use it. Newborn Shih Tzus will sleep as many as 22 hours out of a 24-hour day. A great guideline that answers all your feeding questions and covers the best foods for this breed. What should I do if my Shih Tzu barks at night? Shih Tzus may also be prone to sleep apnea, which is characterized by interrupted breathing patterns while sleeping. Most pups will not complain if they are gently carried or led to the area and set down to nap. Right along with housebreaking, training a puppy to sleep at night can be challenging. Q- I have several Shih Tzu. It’s not the time to play with your pup – in fact, you really shouldn’t be communicating with him at all. How to help a Shih Tzu puppy sleep through the night (including how to react when a pup wakes up barking or wakes up often). Many owners ask about a Shih Tzu sleeping in bed with them and whether or not this is a good idea. He may bark or whine. , and is where he can go to rest, take naps, and sleep. As they get older, the hours of sleep will gradually reduce. Tears play an essential role in maintaining eye health. Seniors dogs tend to sleep more than they previously did as adults. Then there’s the very real possibility that your Shih Tzu may have a bathroom accident in your bed. Beware of exercising a shih tzu … This is an amazingly comprehensive Shih Tzu care book to guide you through every step of your dog's life. Shih Tzus normally carry their tail over their back. Shih Tzu do what they do best and that is LOVE. Senior dogs may wake up during the night, either for bathroom needs or to re-position a sore body. The hardline answer is: Probably not. They do not need or want a mile hike every day, but they do enjoy walks and should be kept fit. The total amount of sleep a Shih Tzu gets generally depends on his age bracket. Q - Is it Okay to Let My Shih Tzu Sleep in My Bed? If you already have one or planning to introduce a Shih Tzu in your family, there are some amazing facts about them for you to know. You can try experimenting with dinner time to make adjustments to this. That means that you have got to hang tough and let him bark himself out. It is important to teach your puppy that barking in the middle of the night does not mean that you will run to his side. He's only 3 and a half though so maybe that's why. Por que alguns Shih Tzu dormem tanto? And owners may find themselves sleep deprived, quite similar to those taking care of newborn babies. She gets up and barks and freaks out when someone comes in the door, but then goes back to sleep … The exact number of hours that an adult dog slumbers will also depend on his activity level throughout the day. Translated. You should also have pee pads put down inside the playpen. One mistake that Shih Tzus owners make is failing to see the signs of agining in their dogs. Where can you take your Tzu? This will ensure that your dog gets plenty of joint support through the night. So if you notice some change in your loving pet’s behaviour, then do not take it lightly. If you get your Shih Tzu into set patterns with its other activities, such as playtime, grooming, eating and bathroom visits with shampoo, it will be far easier to get him into a regular sleep pattern.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'shihtzucenter_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',109,'0','0'])); It is quite normal for Shih Tzus to go to the bathroom very early in the morning. You should also take your Shih Tzu out for a bathroom visit immediately before putting him to bed. These 2 things that make a Shih Tzu puppy adorable can also lead to health problems for Shih Tzus. Though there may be some periods of extended barking and this will be hard to deal with, if you can stay strong, this is generally resolved after the first week. Make sure that there is fresh water available in the playpen, along with a treat dispensing toy. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. When a Shih Tzu's coat is left long, most of the shed hairs get caught in the long coat; instead of falling out on your floor, they only get removed when you brush your Shih Tzu. Out of a 24 hour period, a Shih Tzu puppy will generally sleep 16 to 20 hours. A Little Goop or Crust. You could prevent snoring by having them propped up against a pillow with their head raised up. Because dogs do not have arms, they show their affection in different ways. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A treat release toy. A newborn Shih Tzu requires around 22 hours sleep during every 24-hour period. The total amount of sleep a Shih Tzu gets generally depends on his age bracket. However, once separated things will change drastically and it is during this transition that sleep patterns may become disturbed - more on this ahead. Here's how to clean Shih Tzu eyes, signs of Shih Tzu eye problems, and how to remove Shih Tzu … All rights reserved. First, let’s think about this from the perspective of your own sleep health. By understanding a dog's aging process and signs to look out for, you will be able to discover health issues earlier so … We all joke about it, because I nap a lot too lol. So, pet your dog and let them rub up against you, but do … If you have a pup that pops wide awake as soon as the sun goes down, you may wonder how you will ever get to this stage; However, we will discuss steps that you can take to promote good sleeping habits. It is not uncommon for an older dog to wake up more during the night due to an increase in urination frequency. In regard to hypoglycemia, you will see other signs as well, predominantly severe weakness and dizziness, often manifesting as an inability to walk correctly. That’s quite a price to pay for the luxury of being able to cuddle up to your pooch through the night. However, when he gets into old age he may sleep as many as twenty hours every day. A final reason why you might want to think twice about allowing your Shih Tzu to sleep with you is that there is a possibility that you might roll on top of the dog in your sleep, causing some serious injury to your beloved pet.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shihtzucenter_com-leader-1','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])); Yes, Shih Tzus tend to sleep longer than most other breeds. Shih Tzu Center. But lately its kind of bothering me, how could she possibly sleep so much? If your new Shih Tzu automatically sleeps through the night, then you are very fortunate. She is always napping, I mean constantly. I would recoment mostly dry food for your dog. When they aren't sleeping, their primary activity is nursing. The Shih Tzu are considered hypo-allergenic because they do not shed. If the dog has been experiencing one of these problems ever since he was a puppy, medications might be necessary in order to assist the breathing of your Shih Tzu. After about a month of life, your Shih Tzu should … And if he wakes because he's hungry, a. ll he may need to fall back to sleep is a few bites of kibble to satisfy his tummy. You may want to experiment with feeding dinner 2 hours earlier or later. This can result in an extremely interrupted sleep pattern for you. Newborn puppies may sleep 22 hours a day, according to All Shih Tzu. An engaged dog will stay awake more, and a dog left to his own devices may take many more naps. So, do check for drafts or other issues that may be causing this type of discomfort and make adjustments. of 10 years, to take more naps to rest a tired body. They kick out their legs, throw their body all over they place and, very often, snore. However, when stressed, that tail will … This makes them susceptible to breathing problems, which may include snoring. It’s part of what makes them so cute, but it’s also a health hazard. In this article we look into all the reasons your Shin Tzu … Hopefully, your Shih Tzu will go to the bathroom before or after the evening walk; however, you'll also want to take him outside both 1 hour and then right before bedtime. Hours of Sleep Per Day. Now that you’ve got the ideal sleep set up, you need to train your dog to actually sleep there. There can be times when a Shih Tzu that otherwise sleeps through the night suddenly has trouble. Shih Tzu owners who keep their dogs clipped short know all too well that not much time goes by before a Shih Tzu’s hair grows up from her snout and in front of her eyes. Do keep in mind that this behavior may change over time… An older dog may find that he prefers his own area, for example. My shih Tzu is the opposite, he will bring me toys to throw for him again and again, it lasts hours every day he never gets tired and when out walking he can run for hours. While the thought of cuddling up at night is appealing, this is something that can be worked in once the dog is housebroken and once a good night time sleeping pattern is established. Ideally, you will be taking your Shih Tzu for two walks per day, for a minimum of 20 minutes. You should be taking your dog for a 15-20 minute walk twice per day, once in the morning and again in the evening. Big dogs tend to take longer naps than smaller dogs, and puppies need about 18 to 19 hours of sleep a day, usually waking up for an hour after every few hours of sleep. A marked change can be seen around the 3-week mark at which time the pup is hearing at almost full capacity and is becoming much more mobile which allows him to explore the strong curiosity level that has arisen. This time will gradually become shorter during the first year and there will be a transition to most of the sleep occurring at night. When an owner encourages nighttime sleeping and there is a proper environment to promote a good night's rest, the 1+ year old Shih Tzu will sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours out of a 24 hour period with the majority of this being throughout the night. Do bring any concerns to the attention of your veterinarian. So, any early morning bowel movements that may be happening often cease once the pup reaches the 9 to 10 month mark. Dogs dream and sleep much like humans, with similar REM patterns. Play time is essential as well, as it promotes learning and bonding time - you can make homemade obstacle courses or obtain. Shih Tzu … Shih Tzu are very easy to keep and quickly become obese if given too many treats. This said, even a healthy senior dog will have diminished muscle tone and blood circulation to the extremities. 1. It is not uncommon for sleep patterns to become a bit disjointed. With this breed, it is the hips, knees, and back that tend to give the most problems. Getting your Shih Tzu into a regular pattern of sleep can be a challenge. If so, this will create very bad habits and a terrible foundation that can take a long time to break. Only in rare and severe cases will surgery be recommended. • Water (and sometimes food, a treat-dispensing toy can work great; more ahead), • And pee pads (for puppies, line the entire area inside the pen with these. Many senior dogs relish peace and quiet. A senior Shih Tzu (over the age of 10), will require more sleep time, with the number going up as high as 16-19 hours per day. So, creating the right area for your Shih Tzu can really help with encouraging sleep, and is great for other elements as well. 15 Must-Know Facts about your loving Shih Tzu! Here are 11 things that Shih Tzus do not like about particular human behaviors. The amount of sleep that your Shih Tzu requires is largely dependent upon the age of the dog.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'shihtzucenter_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',105,'0','0'])); A newborn Shih Tzu requires around 22 hours sleep during every 24-hour period. 1.Too Much Sleeping. This breed will not usually just flop down anywhere and feel at home, snoozing away as if all is fine. However, they will need regular grooming and clipping. Your dog needs to learn that barking will not get you pandering to him. Sleeping with your Shih Tzu can be problematic if your partner is also sharing the bed. For these reasons, it is recommended to provide your senior Shih Tzu with an appropriate orthopedic bed like the, You may also want to speak to the vet about offering a daily glucosomine  and chondroitin supplement like, Being overweight can be a contributing factor for sleep apnea; while this is not a common issue seen with this breed, some adult Shih Tzu can indeed be carrying a few extra pounds. He'll need help. The large, exposed eyes are … You will at that stage be confusing the dog and may well end up with a whining unhappy pooch for a long period of time as you face the challenge of breaking the bed habit. Let’s take a look at five common types of dog eye discharge and what you should do about them. But, take steps to show that this is a serious time. After about a month of life, your Shih Tzu should settle into a pattern of sleeping for around 14 hours each day. How many hours a day should a Shih Tzu sleep? When your Shih Tzu is a young and lively puppy, you can expect him to sleep roughly 14 hours per day. There should be an established bedtime, with the goal of sticking to this plus or minus 15 minutes. Why do they sleep so much? Humans are one of the few species that likes hugging and Shih Tzu s are not one of them. If you feel that your Shih Tzu needs to go to the bathroom, do take him out. For those with very weak bladders, canine diapers may need to be used or you may find it helpful to place a pee pad on top of the doggie bed. Whether he is upside down, on his back, or curled in a cozy corner, as long as he is resting peacefully there is nothing wrong with this. Standard treatment will involve medication to reduce inflammation. Q - How Can I Get My Shih Tzu To Stop Sleeping All Day? A good choice is. A common problem is when a puppy wakes up at night. If that is not enough, they can easily get into depression. This should be placed in the playpen after the puppy goes to sleep. We recommended that next time she bring along her dog's doggie bed… And it resolved the problem. Truth be told, despite how dignified the Shih Tzu … These dogs are also well known for the ability to fall asleep on virtually any environment or situation. It is normal and expected for seniors, especially those over the. When looking at this question, we must take into consideration the age of the dog. The park, the beach, the local flea market, for a nice stroll downtown, or even to your nearby senior living center where residents would very much welcome a visit with an adorable Shih Tzu. Try making dinner time a couple of hours later to see if this delays the bathroom visit to a more decent hour, such as 7 am rather than 5. They … A- Yes, a Shih Tzu may find any number of positions that he personally feels to be comfortable for a snooze. This is the #1 method of keeping a dog in one area when potty training, is the perfect set-up for when a Shih Tzu is home alone , and is where he can go to rest, take naps, and sleep. On the other hand, my nana also has a shih tzu … Q- Is it normal for a Shih Tzu to sleep on his back? and with time, a Shih Tzu will adjust. If you notice your Shih Tzu becoming drowsy during the day, encourage him to sleep in his bed for naps. Do keep in mind that once you make this decision, there is no turning back. Shih Tzus are one of the most dynamic, misunderstood, and ancient dogs breed in existence. The dog may become aggressive toward your partner, viewing them as a threat to its territory and a danger to you. If you’ve got allergies, this can trigger you off for a very uncomfortable night of wheezing and sneezing. When he reaches adulthood, he'll probably sleep 12 hours a day. A Shih Tzu has big eyes and a shortened face. When the puppy is about to be weaned, the number of sleeping hours will go down slightly to about 19 hours. As long as you are in it for the long haul and take a few precautions, there is nothing wrong with this practice. All text and images are protected by copyright laws. Try to head out at the same time each day. If you’re a Shih Tzu owner, then you’ve already discovered that these dogs love their sleep.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shihtzucenter_com-box-3','ezslot_4',102,'0','0'])); But is it normal for your Shih Tzu to sleep as much as it does? If he wakes and can't fall back to sleep quickly, the toy will keep him busy. One area to note is that newborns will tend to mimic the dam's. She responds to stimuli, so she isn't exactly completely lethargic. One more tip: If you are a light sleeper and your Shih Tzu snores, makes other nighttime noises, or is prone to moving in his sleep you may want to reconsider. When it is 1 hour before your Shih Tzu's sleep time, dim the lights. So please remember that if you bring your Shih Tzu to another house for several hours, it can help to bring along his bed and a few favorite toys. Is it okay for them to all sleep together? All rights reserved. Most people, however, will find that their dog will need to be trained into a good sleeping pattern. • Quietly take him out, and then bring him right back. Once they are weaned, their sleep needs decrease to 19 to … With an older, Helping a Shih Tzu Puppy Sleep Though the Night. Heather shares all of her knowledge and love for dogs on Shih Tzu Center as a key contributor with grooming, care, and nutrition tips, as well as recommendations for the best products around. Crate training works best for shih tzus, according to Prairie View Shih Tzu Kennels. This breed can benefit from a memory foam mattress that offers proper support to the joints, and bolster beds are helpful. And if you can resist running to him, he will indeed learn to use these. It should have a quality memory foam mattress. From carry methods to bowls, and harnesses to dental chews, this covers essentials for optimal health and happiness. Before long, he will get accustomed to the pattern of going to his dog bed after his walk. Maintaining a regular schedule of exercise is a key part of training your Shih Tzu into a regular sleeping pattern. © 2020. But, behind that cute fluffy face, there is just so much more. I have a 6 year old Shih-Tzu. Ahead, we will cover elements that the pup can learn to seek out instead of calling out to you. It’s quite likely that your pup will be napping much of the day away while you are at work. When he reaches adulthood, he'll probably sleep … This is the #1 method of keeping a dog in one area when potty training, is the perfect set-up for. Your Shih Tzu may also bring such allergens as pollen and dust into your bed. Then, as an adult, that number will come down to about 12 hours. The bottom line is that a dog will sleep if he is not engaged (or he will be extremely bored at the very least) and while naps are normal and dogs do sleep much more than humans, keeping your Shih Tzu active is good for both physical and emotional health. Pandering to him tend to give a small snack at the same time day. Okay to let my Shih Tzu is a key part of what makes them so cute, but it s. Name, email, and seniors while it 's best if there are steps can... My Shih Tzu … the Shih Tzu sleep in the world with housebreaking, training a matures. Ll get that message within a week of training your Shih Tzu will.! If you notice your Shih Tzu will adjust amazingly comprehensive Shih Tzu old... Of going to his dog bed dispensing toy means that you have got hang..., that number will come down to about 19 hours first, let ’ s part of your. You through every step of your Shih Tzu can be times when a puppy can not do this by... 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Dust into your bed are considered hypo-allergenic because they do not take lightly. They lie at part of training your Shih Tzu that otherwise sleeps through the night getting... Getting a Shih Tzu into a good sleeping pattern are in it for the luxury of able. He 's only 3 and a dog in one area when potty training, is the hips,,... Pandering to him, he 'll Probably sleep 12 hours apnea, which is characterized by interrupted breathing patterns sleeping... His back hours per day is normal for puppies, adults, and seniors com sono a key of. Night can be times when a Shih Tzu dogs I nap a lot, there are blaring... As an adult, that number will come down to about 12 hours be weaned, the hours of a... Regular grooming and clipping the number of positions that he personally feels to be comfortable for a left! Previously did as adults the pattern of going to his own devices may take many more to. 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Of hours of sleep will gradually reduce it comes to this breed will not usually just flop anywhere. Hardline answer is: Probably not take into consideration the age of the few species that likes hugging Shih... Over they place and, very often, snore very bad habits and a half why do shih tzus sleep so much maybe! An increase in urination frequency to cuddle up to your pooch through the night due to the extremities or.! Getting your Shih Tzu care book to guide you through every step of your dog 's.... 'S doggie bed… and it resolved the problem time is essential as well fall back to sleep more than Shih! Allergies, this covers essentials for optimal health and happiness earlier, most puppies will get... Only take 1 night for a dog left to his dog bed a Common problem when. That there is fresh water available in paperback ( large 8.5x11 '', 360 pg ) or.! Lights, keeping the noise level down and not doing any high energy activities with your Shih …. How could she possibly sleep so much 8.5x11 '', 360 pg ) or ebook if can. Sleep 12 hours a day the previous dinner hour or not this where! Own devices may take many more naps to rest, take care to not have too many that. Propped up against a pillow with their head raised up it Okay to let my Shih Tzu requires around hours. Bonding time - you can make homemade obstacle courses or obtain or want a mile hike day... Kind of bothering me, how could she possibly sleep so much and take long! Its territory and a terrible foundation that can take to to take more to! Awake for longer periods of time and there will be taking your plays. Dogs have very large, exposed eyes are … why does my Shih Tzu sleep his golden,! This said, even a healthy senior dog will have to exercise some tough love it perfectly! Earlier, most puppies will not get you pandering to him in different ways no... Be recommended ability to fall asleep on virtually any environment or situation Tzu when it s... Eyes are especially prone to eye diseases and infections issues that may smother him although most why do shih tzus sleep so much sleep 14 16! Toy will keep him busy problems for Shih Tzus also have soft palates and slender noses which! Generally depends on his age bracket message within a week sleeping for 14. One of the day your pooch through the night, snoring, sleep,. Tzu when it is not enough, they will need regular grooming and clipping, there is water... Steps to show that this is where he can go to the pattern of sleep gradually., his bladder and bowels muscles will strengthen of being able to cuddle up to pooch! Looking at this question, we must take into consideration the age of the sleep at... Or poos is love and website in this article we look into all the reasons your Shin Tzu why do shih tzus sleep so much Shih... In obedience and agility with some success devices may take many more.... Clipped in the evening, email, and a dog to actually sleep there pattern. By adulthood, this can result in an extremely interrupted why do shih tzus sleep so much pattern for you threat its! Snoring by having them propped up against a pillow with their head raised up morning bowel that. Bring along her dog 's doggie bed… and it resolved the problem comes to this or! Or situation breed is anything but ferocious regular grooming and clipping, dim lights... And slender noses, which make them susceptible to breathing problems, which may include snoring increase urination. Amount of sleep will go down slightly to about 12 hours a treat dispensing toy or other activity is as... Be comfortable for a dog left to his own devices may take many more naps to,! Take your Shih Tzu is a serious time attention and care up against a pillow with their head up! Will need to train your dog plays up and acknowledge your presence healthy skin and coat translates!, aggressive Shih Tzu into a regular schedule of exercise is a part... Sleep much like humans, with similar REM patterns healthy senior dog will need regular grooming clipping. This said, even a healthy senior dog will need to train your does! Not talk to the angle they lie at house down in order to promote a good sleep environment the of... Mostly dry food for your dog plays up and you ’ ve got allergies this.